Condominium Lookup

Individual, privately-held units that share a building or lot in common ownership.

Property IDAddressOwner NameOwner Address
25 3621-00-22.W 1430 LARA CIR 101 Borges Rafael 1430 Lara CIR Unit 101
Rockledge, FL 32955
25 3621-00-22.X 1430 LARA CIR 102 Mickey Michael 1430 Lara CIR Unit 102
Rockledge, FL 32955
25 3621-00-22.Y 1430 LARA CIR 103 McGovern Lisa 233 Mohican ST Apt B
Essington, PA 19029
25 3621-00-22.Z 1430 LARA CIR 104 Marrero Mildred 1430 Lara CIR Unit 104
Rockledge, FL 32955
25 3621-00-23.B 1430 LARA CIR 106 Gantz Charles 1430 Lara CIR Unit 106
Rockledge, FL 32955

Disclaimer: While attempts to identify all related condominium properties, this list may not reflect the entirety of a development.